Zorya: Notes from the Artistic Director

After a temporary break from activity, Zorya is up and running, this time under the direction, once again, of Natalia B. Mahlay. The UCAA and Zorya would also like to thank the previous director Olya Tchepak for her hard work and dedication over the years and will miss her.
As the founding director and Conductor of Zorya, I am very excited to be back, and I am looking forward to working with the group again with its talented musicians. A two year plan for rehearsals and performances, and the group is already working full speed ahead at new repertoire. Zorya is currently working on folk songs and Christmas repertoire and plans to prepare Easter and Christmas programs for the years 2016-2017.
As for upcoming performances, Zorya currently has plans to perform at a music marathon sponsored by the Cleveland Maidan Association on Sunday November 15 at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Cathedral; as well as the Ukrainian Village Christmas concert in January 2016. Zorya currently has over 15 singers, however, the group is constantly seeking new singers to add to its ranks, and plans to hold auditions in early 2016. Details will be announced in the upcoming months.
Zorya is also proud to share that it has singers from Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Columbus in its ranks. A new addition to the group is the instrument the bandura. Zorya will perform some numbers with bandura accompaniment in the near future and we are excited and proud to feature this beautiful national instrument of Ukraine.
I am very optimistic about the operations of Zorya under the UCAA I would like to thank the UCAA board under the Presidency of Christian Dubas for their enthusiastic support of Zorya. I look forward to many years of working together.
If anyone is interested in joining Zorya, you may contact Natalia B. Mahlay directly at nataliabmahlay@yahoo.com. Stay tuned for further information and new pictures of the group!