The “Zorya Awakens” Fundraiser
Written by: Natalia B. Mahlay
On Thursday, February 25, 2016, the UCAA and Zorya Ukrainian Female Vocal Ensemble held a happy hour fundraiser at P.J. McIntyre’s Irish Pub at Kamm’s Corner in Cleveland, Ohio. The UCAA and Ukrainian Cleveland Happy Hour jointly sponsored the event.
A spin-off from the seventh Star Wars film “The Force Awakens,” the event was called “Zorya Awakens.” The goal of the evening was to welcome Zorya back after its brief break from activity, and to raise much needed funds for Zorya operating costs.
The evening lasted from 5 to 8pm. and included a raffle, 50/50 sideboards and many donated prizes. The atmosphere was lively and jovial, with a number of Zorya singers in attendance.
The UCAA and Zorya would like to thank all individuals who attended the event in support of Zorya. We would especially like to thank Ukrainian Cleveland Happy Hour for its sponsorship and partnership for this event; as well as the numerous businesses and individuals who donated raffle and other items. These businesses and individuals are as follows:
- Black Phoenix Coffee
- Campbell Sweets Factory
- Chipotle Mexican Grill
- Cinemark Theaters
- International Food and Deli
- J.J. Chuchraj Meats
- Karpaty Export, Inc.
- Kauffman Poultry
- Lviv International Food
- Meister Foods
- Mitchell’s Homemade Ice Cream
- Ohio Export Corporation
- Olesia’s Place
- Pawlak’s Florist
- P.J. McIntyre’s Irish Pub
- Portside Distillery
- Serafino Olive Oils & Balsamics
- State Meats, Inc.
- Turczyk’s Meats
- Valia Jewelry
- Diana Prodan (Kashtan Artistic Director)
- Lydia Higgins
- Ulyana Woznak
- Yuriy and Natalie Firmanchuk (UCAA Board Fundraising Committee Co-Chairs)
- UCAA Board of Directors Board Members and Zorya Committee Members
UCAA and Zorya would also like to thank the following Platinum level founding sponsors who so generally donated to Zorya at its inception:
- Anonymous
- Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Tanya Dobronos
- Mr. & Mrs. Michael Komichak & Daria Pishko
- Mr. & Mrs. Taras & Marichka Kowcz
- Mr. & Mrs. Jaroslav & Wolodymyra Krasniansky
- Mr. & Mrs. Oleh & Natalia Mahlay
- Mr. Steven Popovich
- Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Larissa Reidy
- Mr. Orest Sopka
- Mr. & Mrs. Taras Szmagala, Jr. & Helen Jarem
- Dr. & Mrs. Adrian & Elena Zachary
- Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Nadia Zappernick
Zorya also appreciates all the support lent by the community over the years. Be sure to “Like” Zorya on Facebook at facebook.com/zoryavocal to receive up to date information about events and performances. If you have any questions regarding Zorya, please feel free to email: Natalia B. Mahlay at nbmahlay@ucaacle.org.