Ukrainian Cultural Arts Association of Greater Cleveland Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting: September 13, 2017
October 16, 2017
September 13, 2017
The Monthly Board of Trustees meeting of the Ukrainian Cultural Arts Association of Greater Cleveland was called to order by President, Christian Dubas, at 6:32PM on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at the Parma-Snow Public Library
The following UCAA Board Members were in attendance:
President, Christian Dubas
Vice President, Shelly Hejnal
Treasurer, Maria Hejnal
Secretary, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown
Michael Levy
Mark Jakubowycz
UCAA Board Members Absent:
Yosyf Ciszkewycz
Nina Kostryk
UCAA General Members in attendance:
- Call to order/Minutes
- Minutes from the Board meeting held on August 16, 2017 were shared electronically prior to today’s meeting. President, Christian Dubas asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. No corrections were made.
- A motion was made by Maria Hejnal to approve the minutes as shared and/or corrected; seconded by Michael Levy
- Total votes cast: yes: 6 ; no: 0; abstained:0
- Motion passes – Minutes from the August 16, 2017 meeting are approved and will be shared with all UCAA General Members via email and UCAA website.
- Minutes from the Board meeting held on August 16, 2017 were shared electronically prior to today’s meeting. President, Christian Dubas asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. No corrections were made.
- B. Officer/Committee Reports
- Report of the Treasurer/Fiscal Committee
- As of August 31, 2017:
- Kashtan account balance is: -$1,831.77
- Zorya account balance is: $487.70
- UCAA account balance is: -$240.11
- Total account balances: $1, 584.18
- Total liabilities and equity: $17,379.11
*Budget attached*
- It was being explored that some money from the checking be rolled into a CD – Maria reported that it is not worth it at this time to roll any money into a CD.
- The 2017-2018 Fiscal Budget was presented by Maria and reviewed by the Board.
- A discussion was had
- No suggestions/changes were made
- Christy motioned to approve the 2017-2018 Fiscal Budget as stands; Michael Levy seconded the motion.
- Total votes cast: Yes: 6; no: 0; Abstained: 0
- Motion Passes – The 2017-2018 Fiscal Budget is approved.
- Membership fees were paid to UZO
- The signature card for the bank has been signed by all new officers
*Full, detailed fiscal report can be provided by the Treasurer upon request - Maria Hejnal reported that she will discuss with Dana Komichak and Yuriy Firmanchuk about their willingness to be a subcontractors of the UCAA and help with updating the UCAA website and social media platforms (Dana); and providing tech support with the 365 Portal email system (Yuriy)
- As of August 31, 2017:
- Report of the Vice President/Costume Committee
- Vice President/Costume Coordinator Shelly Hejnal reported that she and Nina Kostryk are in the process of fixing all sharavary for the younger and older boys.
- Kashtan Director Markian Komichak and Kashtan Instructor Jonathan Hejnal are putting together a “costume wish list” which they will share with Shelly – concentration will mostly be on male costumes
- The costume room ceiling has been fixed with new tiles. Hopefully the pipe leak has also been fixed.
- Report of the Secretary/Artistic Committee
- Artistic Administrator, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown shared the following Artistic Committee Report:
- Kashtan:
- Kashtan participated in the Ukrainian Village Parade and the St. Josaphat Festival (8/26/2017) – both events were successful. St. Josaphat made a donation to Kashtan in the amount of $200.00. A thank you was sent to them.
- Pokrova made a donation in the amount of $250.00 to Kashtan for their performance at the Pokrova Festival. A thank you was sent to them.
- The UCAA bulletin board outside of the studio has been updated with recent Kashtan and Zorya photos and updated UCAA calendars.
- Kashtan registration took place the week of 9/4/2017 and was successful. Most parents utilized the electronic registration option, but others did come into the studio to register their student(s) in person. Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown is keeping a roster spreadsheet of all students, and is working with Treasurer Maria Hejnal to collect and keep track of tuition. Outstanding tuition notices will go out to students who have not paid for the first semester by the October 1, 2017 deadline.
- Kashtan is considering performing for a wedding on October 14, 2017 – more information is being gathered and a final decision has not yet been made.
- Kashtan is considering performing at a festival at Holy Ghost Church in Akron – more information is being gathered and a final decision has not yet been made.
- Director Markian Komichak wants all girls in the Tuesday class to purchase nude character shoes. He wants to use one company and order 6 sample pairs of shoes in various sizes so that the girls can try on shoes during class to determine which size they should order. Then a bulk order of shoes from that company would be made so that the heel sizes/color of shoes are the same. The 6 sample pairs of shoes would initially be purchased by the UCAA, but then reimbursed by girls who fit those sizes.
- Zorya
- Zorya’s Jubilee Concert/Reception
- December 3, 2017 at Pokrova. Wira Gernaga is negotiating details with Banquet Hall Director regarding food prices/set-up/etc.
- Tickets will cost $45 and will include BOTH the concert and reception. Tickets will be sold on UCAA website and at the Credit Union.
- Natalia Basladynsky-Mahlay is working with Khrystyna Skabyk and Michael Levy to be emcees of the event
- The UBC Kobzari Ensemble has agreed to perform with Zorya – negotiations and details are still being worked out.
- Publications for the event are being worked on. Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown to review/approve all publications prior to printing.
- Zorya has begun working on repertoire for this event.
- Natalia Basladynsky-Mahlay is working with Oleh Mahlay to determine what his reimbursement fees will be for the music he has written for Zorya.
- Zorya is in the process of negotiating a Zorya membership/music fee. The Board supports and will enforce this membership fee.
- Zorya will be performing at a festival in Carnegie, PA on October 28, 2017. Natalie Kapeluk-Nixon is the contact person for the event and Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown is working with her to formulate the contract.
- Natalia Basladynsky-Mahlay has done further research on out-of-town festivals – more information to follow.
- Zorya necklaces were completed and clasps are in the process of being fixed (free of charge) because they were too small for the necklace.
- The Zorya photo shoot was a success – edits are being worked on.
- Zorya’s Jubilee Concert/Reception
- Kashtan:
- Artistic Administrator, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown shared the following Artistic Committee Report:
- Report of the Membership Committee
- Michael Levy reported that during the summer festivals, he reached out to various community members and is still in discussion with a few to participate as board members – more information on this at the next meeting.
- Report of Fundraising Committee
- Maria will approach Adam Holowczak about organizing a Turkey Shoot for this fall
- Michael Levy will approach Yosyf Ciczkewicz about asking the credit union to participate in a “Donate a Dollar” for the Capital Campaign – tellers would ask each customer if they would like to donate $1.00 to the UCAA Capital Campaign
- Will look into doing another Chipotle fundraiser this fall
- Considerations are in the works to put together a reverse raffle
- Maria Hejnal and Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown are collaborating to organize a “Jackpot Jamboree” – more in this soon
- Report of the President
- Solomia Tomkiw has been suggested as someone to approach to be a member of the board. Christian will reach out to her to see if she would be interested
- Report of the Treasurer/Fiscal Committee
- Old Business
- Capital Campaign letter and approved remittance envelopes will be sent out on Friday (9/15/2017)
- Extra letters are being printed so they are available to any potential supporters whose contact information is not on our master list
- New Business
- No new business
- Adjournment
- Our next General Board meeting will be held on October 11, 2017 at 6:30PM at the Parma-Snow Library
- Michael Levy motioned to adjourn the 9/13/2017 meeting; Treasurer Maria Hejnal seconded. President Christian Dubas adjourned the meeting at 7:30PM
Respectfully submitted,
Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown
UCAA Secretary
UCAA Artistic Administrator
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