Ukrainian Cultural Arts Association of Greater Cleveland Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting: December 13, 2017
February 26, 2018
December 13, 2017
The Monthly Board of Trustees meeting of the Ukrainian Cultural Arts Association of Greater Cleveland was called to order by President Christian Dubas, at on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 6:33PM. This meeting was held via phone conference due to inclement weather.
The following UCAA Board Members were present via phone:
President, Christian Dubas
Vice President, Shelly Hejnal
Treasurer, Maria Hejnal
Secretary, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown
Michael Levy
Mark Jakubowycz
UCAA Board Members Absent:
Yosyf Cizkewycz
Nina Kostryk
UCAA General Members in attendance:
- Call to order/Minutes
- Minutes from the Board meeting held on November 8, 2017 were shared electronically prior to today’s meeting. President Christian Dubas asked if there were any additional corrections to the minutes. No corrections were made.
- A motion was made by Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown to approve the minutes as shared and/or corrected; seconded by Mike Levy
- Total votes cast: yes: 6 ; no: 0 ; abstained: 0
- Motion passes – Minutes from the November 8, 2017 meeting are approved as read/shared and will be shared with all UCAA General Members via email and UCAA website.
- Minutes from the Board meeting held on November 8, 2017 were shared electronically prior to today’s meeting. President Christian Dubas asked if there were any additional corrections to the minutes. No corrections were made.
- Officer/Committee Reports
- Report of the Treasurer/Fiscal Committee
- As of November 30, 2017:
- Kashtan account balance is: $13,216.75
- Zorya account balance is: -$703.59
- Unclassified balance: -$1,068.56
- UCAA account balance is: $1,908.54
Total account balances: $13,353.14 - Total liabilities and equity: $31,790.98
*Budget attached*
*Full, detailed fiscal report can be provided by the Treasurer upon request
- Final payment in the amount of $3,104.00 has been made to Pokrova for the Zorya 10 Year Anniversary Concert and Reception
- Payment in the amount of $500.00 has been made to St. Vladimir’s for the Kashtan Christmas Party
- Subcontractor Yuriy Firmanchuk will be donating his time each month to assist with the Microsoft 365 email system and other miscellaneous technical support. Hours donated will be tracked by his new employer, and his employer will monetarily reimburse the UCAA for his hours donated as part of their philanthropic mission.
- To date, the Capital Drive Campaign has made $5,500.00. At this point, considerations are being made to promote the the Capital Drive Campaign on GoFundMe. Treasurer Maria Hejnal will work with Dana Komichak to work out details.
- Tax extension was filed
- As of November 30, 2017:
- Report of the Membership Committee
- No report
- Report of the Vice President/Costume Committee
- All character shoes were ordered, paid for, and picked up – with the exception of one pair which Christy has sent an email about. All monies should be reimbursed to the UCAA by the end of the year.
- Sizing for a new costume prototype was given to Jonathan Hejnal and is being sent to Ukraine so that a sample can be made. Sizing was determined by Director Markian Komichak’s specifications. A sample should be received by January 2018
- New costume shelving was purchased and will be assembled so that it can be used starting in January 2018
- Costume maintenance is ongoing by Shelly Hejnal and Nina Kostryk
- Report of the Secretary/Artistic Committee
- Artistic Administrator, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown shared the following Artistic Committee Report:
- Kashtan:
- Tuition reminders were sent to 3 students via email.
- Second semester tuition is due on 1/15/2018 and Christy will send a reminder email to that effect.
- “Make Believe” in Parma did not prove to be a good location for the Kashtan Christmas Party. Arrangements instead were made with St. Vladimir’s Grand Hall. The party will be on 12/15/2017 from 6PM-9PM. Food, games, crafts, and holiday movie will be provided.
- Christy is exploring a different company for frames and plaques for the “Wall of Directors” as Sportsworld has indicated they could not fulfill the request. More information forthcoming.
- Christy spoke with Olga Tchepak who is willing to provide a headshot for the “Wall of Directors” and will send it to Christy in the coming weeks.
- Thank you’s/tax deduction form were mailed to all donors of the Capital Drive Campaign. Thank you’s will continue to be sent as donations come in.
- Christy is updating the January-June 2018 UCAA calendars. They should be ready this week and will be sent to UCAA Members, Kashtan students/parents, and Zorya members upon completion
- Zorya
- The Zorya 10 Year Anniversary Concert/Reception was very successful.
- Zorya is preparing for koliada already – they will be caroling on 12/25/17 and 1/7/18.
- Zorya had a nice performed at the PanOrthodox Christmas Concert on Sunday, 12/10/17
- Zorya is preparing for the 1/20/18 St. Vlad’s Malanka. Christy has been in communication with Oleh Mahlay regarding the details of this event/performance, and Christy will draft/send a contract to event chairs in the coming week.
- Natalia Basladynsky-Mahlay is working with the Zorya committee to coordinate a “Zorya Dinner”
- Kashtan:
- Artistic Administrator, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown shared the following Artistic Committee Report:
- Report of Fundraising Committee
- Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown has been in contact with Diana Prodan who has researched 11 restaurants in order to coordinate a “Restaurant Fundraiser”. Upon discussion, the general consensus is for the event to be hosted at Piada if at all possible because they give back the highest rate.
- Maria Hejnal and Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown will be ready to present the “Jackpot Jamboree” calendar and details to the UCAA board during the January 2018 general meeting.
- Maria Hejnal has finalized details for the February 9, 2018 Monsters hockey game fundraiser. Fliers have been made and distributed; a Facebook event has been created; 4 volunteers are needed to work “Chuck the Puck” booth; please share this event with both Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian friends so that we have a good turn-out — $4.00 per ticket sold will come back to the UCAA
- President Christian Dubas is continuing to explore the Virtual Golf. More information forthcoming.
- Report of the President
- Special thank-you to Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown, Maria Hejanl, Jonathan Hejnal, Zoriana Zobniw, Pavlo Krysa, and all others for their help with the Zorya 10 Year Anniversary Concert/Reception
- Report of the Treasurer/Fiscal Committee
- Old Business
- President Christian Dubas will contact Ihor Makar and arrange for him to come and present his ideas regarding his group joining the UCAA to the board
- New Business
- The Kashtan 40th Anniversary will be celebrated in 2019 – we need to start brainstorming a plan to commemorate the event. Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown will reach out to Director Markian Komichak for ideas/thoughts.
- Adjournment
- Our next General Board meeting will be held on January 10, 2018 at 6:30PM at the Parma-Snow Library
- Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown motioned to adjourn the December 13, 2017 meeting; Maria Hejnal seconded. President Christian Dubas adjourned the meeting at 7:15PM
Respectfully submitted,
Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown
UCAA Secretary
UCAA Artistic Administrator