Ukrainian Cultural Arts Association of Greater Cleveland Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting: August 16, 2017
October 12, 2017
August 16, 2017
The Monthly Board of Trustees meeting of the Ukrainian Cultural Arts Association of Greater Cleveland was called to order by President, Christian Dubas, at 6:42PM on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at the Kashtan Studio located inside of the Astrodome of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral.
The following UCAA Board Members were in attendance:
President, Christian Dubas
Maria Hejnal
Shelly Hejnal
Michael Levy
Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown
UCAA Board Members Absent:
Yosyf Ciszkewycz
Mark Jakubowycz
Nina Kostryk
UCAA General Members in attendance:
- Introduction and Welcome to the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year
- President, Christian Dubas welcomed Board Members to the first business meeting of the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year.
- Michael Levy was introduced as a new member of the Board
- Minutes
- Minutes from the Board meeting on July 11, 2017 were shared electronically prior to today’s meeting. President, Christian Dubas asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. No corrections were made.
- A motion was made to approve the minutes as shared and/or corrected; seconded by Maria Hejnal
- Total votes cast: yes: 4; no: 0; abstained: 1
- Motion passes
- Minutes from the Board meeting on July 11, 2017 were shared electronically prior to today’s meeting. President, Christian Dubas asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. No corrections were made.
- Reports
- Fiscal
- Maria Hejnal shared the year-end report. As of the end of July 2017:
- The Kashtan account balance: $13,180.60
- The Zorya account balance: $301.69
- The UCAA account balance: -$8,837.68
- Overall total liabilities and equities balance: $21, 178.15
*Full, detailed fiscal report can be provided by the Treasurer upon request*
- Artistic
- Artistic Administrator, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown shared the following Artistic Committee Report:
- Kashtan is preparing for the Ukrainian Village Parade and the St. Josaphat Festival (August 26, 2017)
- Kashtan registration paperwork has been updated and will be shared with all parents via email. Hard copies will be printed for anyone who chooses to do walk-in registration being held on September 5, 6, and 7, 2017 between 6:30-8:00PM in the studio. Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown, Maria Hejnal, and Markian Komichak will facilitate registration.
- Kashtan registration fliers were created and will be printed. They will be disbursed onto cars parked at the St. Josaphat Festival to promote the registration.
- Artistic Administrator, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown has updated the UCAA Calendars with both Kashtan and Zorya rehearsal dates and times. UCAA monthly board meetings will be added to the calendars and then they will be sent to UCAA members/parent/students via email, and also go on the bulletin board outside of the Kashtan Studio.
- The bulletin board outside of the Kashtan Studio will become a UCAA bulletin board. Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown will update the board to incorporate Zorya and will reach out to Natalia Basladynsky-Mahlay for photos and other important literature to add to the board.
- Zorya held a meeting on June 11, 2017 to discuss the Jubilee Christmas Concert which will take place December 2017. Official date of the concert will be determined in the coming weeks as they wait to hear back from Kapelia about whether or not they can perform at the event. Zorya will also look into hiring a photographer or videographer for the event.
- Zorya had a photo shoot with Yevhen Gulenko on July 23, 2017 and should have the edited photos within the next couple of weeks.
- Valya Szepiwdycz has finished the necklaces which Zorya ordered – they are currently in the possession of Natalia Basladynsky-Mahlay. Zorya is happy with the finished product, though the clasps need to be larger – Valya has agreed to fix these clasps free of charge. They should be fixed by August 26, 2017. Necklace deposits from Zorya participants are being held by Natalia – nearly all money is collected. Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown will collect the money from Natalia and pass it along to the newly elected Treasurer in the next week.
- Kyiv Dance Ensemble has reached out to Zorya regarding a performance in Carnegie, PA on October 28, 2017. Zorya has been asked to sing 3 songs – a final decision regarding this performance will be made in the coming weeks as availability is established.
- Zorya will have another meeting on August 20, 2017 at 4:30PM at the Kashtan Studio.
- Zorya will have a longer rehearsal on September 10, 2017 and they would like to order pizza and pop for the participants. (Estimating 10-15 girls)
- Zorya has decided that they will do koliada this year
- Zorya is sad to see Andrea Komichak Mural and Katia Lys leave the group, but thank them for their time and dedication.
- Two former Zorya singers have expressed interest in returning to the group and will start in September.
- Artistic Administrator, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown shared the following Artistic Committee Report:
- Maria Hejnal shared the year-end report. As of the end of July 2017:
- Fiscal
- Officer Elections
- President, Christian Dubas explained that typically, once individuals are elected to the Board of Trustees, the newly established Board votes on what positions those individuals will hold.
- Currently 8 individuals were elected to sit on the Board – only 5 of which can hold an executive position (per Bylaws, an individual must be on the Board for one year prior to holding an executive office)
- An open discussion was had and the following officers were unanimously determined and unopposed:
- President, Christina Dubas (Serving year two of a two-year term)
- Vice President, Shelly Hejnal (Starting year 1 of a two-year term)
- Treasurer, Maria Hejnal (Starting year 1 of a two-year term)
- Secretary, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown (Will fill and serve out year two of a two-year term)
- Committees
- Costume Committee – will be chaired by Vice President, Shelly Hejnal. Board Member Nina Kostryk has agreed to help with the Costume Committee
- Artistic Committee – will be chaired by Secretary, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown. She will remain the Artistic Administrator for Kashtan and Zorya.
- Nominating Committee – Board Member Michael Levy has expressed interest in chairing this committee, but has not made an official decision about this yet. Committee remains un-chaired
- Fiscal Committee – will be chaired by Treasurer, Maria Hejnal. General Member Reema Holowczak has agreed to assist with this committee when needed.
- Fundraising Committee – remains un-chaired
- Membership Committee – remains un-chaired
- Old Business
- President, Christian Dubas reviewed the status of the UCAA Capital Campaign
- The letter is ready to go out
- Streamline CLE (Contact Jane Toma) is helping us regarding return addresses and also with the remittance envelope which will be included with the campaign letter.
- The remittance envelope can be designed one of two ways:
- Allow the donator to fill in the amount of money they intend to donate on a provided blank line
- Include suggested levels of donation (Level 1= $100; Level 2= $250; Level 3 = $500; or a blank line for “Other”
- The Board unanimously decided to use design 2 which includes suggested levels of donation. The envelope will also include language which allows a donor to indicate that their donation is “in memory of…” or “in honor of…”
- President, Christian Dubas stated that the letter will go out before September
- Secretary, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown suggested that the letter be reviewed prior to being printed so that it is up to date.
- President, Christian Dubas reviewed the status of the UCAA Capital Campaign
- New Business
- Future meetings will be held at the Public Library – Parma Snow Branch located at: 2121 Snow Road Parma, Ohio 44134. President, Christina Dubas will contact the library this week to reserve the room for us for the rest of the year.
- UCAA Board meetings are open to all UCAA General Members. Meetings begin promptly at 6:30PM and are scheduled as follows:
- Septeber 13, 2017
- October 11, 2017
- November 8, 2017
- December 13, 2017
- The UCAA Executive Board Members (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary) will conduct an Executive Session prior to each meeting. The Executive Session will begin at 6:00PM
- Secretary, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown requested that all members who intend to provide a report at future meetings email their reports to Christy by EOB the Monday prior to the meeting. Christy will send a reminder email to all Board Members the Friday before the meeting reminding everyone to do this. This will not only allow the meeting to run smoother and faster, but it will also serve as the agenda for the meeting. All present Board members agreed to do this.
- President, Christian Dubas suggested that the UCAA Financial Reports are posted to the website (via Dana Komichak) to ensure transparency. He also suggested that they are mailed out in an Annual Report. All present Board members were in favor of these suggestions.
- Secretary, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown suggested that minutes of each meeting are also posted to the website, but also emailed out to UCAA members/parents each month with a reminder that UCAA Board meetings are open to General Members; and also reminding everyone to view the website for up to date UCAA information. Christy will send this email on a monthly basis and attach the minutes once approved.
- Adjournment
- President, Christian Dubas moved to adjourn the meeting
- Treasurer, Maria Hejnal seconded
- Meeting was adjourned at 7:32PM
Respectfully submitted,
Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown
UCAA Secretary
UCAA Artistic Administrator
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