Scentsy Fundraiser
Dear Kashtan Parents,
This semester we are asking you to support Kashtan’s School & Ensemble by participating in our Scentsy fundraiser. Scentsy allows you to experience the beauty and aroma of a candle without the flame and the soot of a candle.

How the fundraiser will work:
- Enclosed in this packet is a product sheet and order form (the product sheet includes just some of the products that are available to our fundraiser. For a full catalog visit https://helenmuhaw.scentsy.us/?partyId=294646643)
- Once you, your family, and friends decide what they would like to order, fill out the order form
- Collect cash or check in the amount of the order at the time the order is placed (checks can be made out to Helen Muhaw) or use a credit card to order online at https://helenmuhaw.scentsy.us/?partyId=294646643. Online orders are also part of this fundraiser when you visit and order from the above address!
- You or your child can submit the completed order form along with all monies collected to your child’s instructor during their scheduled class time throughout the week of December 13, 2016.
We thank you for your participation and support during our fundraising efforts! The students will directly benefit from this fundraiser as the money raised will be used towards various Kashtan expenses such as costumes and their maintenance and miscellaneous operational and performance supplies/needs. Your help is very much appreciated – we can’t do it without you!
If you should have any questions regarding this or other fundraisers, please don’t hesitate to contact Natalie Firmanchuk at (216) 210-1819, or Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown at (216) 287-9166.
Natalie Firmanchuk
UCAA – Fundraising Committee Co-Chair