Ukrainian Cultural Arts Association of Greater Cleveland Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting: November 8, 2017
December 21, 2017
November 8, 2017
The Monthly Board of Trustees meeting of the Ukrainian Cultural Arts Association of Greater Cleveland was called to order by President Christian Dubas, at on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 6:33PM the Parma-Snow Public Library
The following UCAA Board Members were in attendance:
President, Christian Dubas
Treasurer, Maria Hejnal
Secretary, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown
Mark Jakubowycz
Yosyf Cizkewycz
Nina Kostryk
UCAA Board Members Absent:
Vice President, Shelly Hejnal
Michael Levy
UCAA General Members in attendance:
- Call to order/Minutes
- Minutes from the Board meeting held on October 11, 2017 were shared electronically prior to today’s meeting. President Christian Dubas asked if there were any additional corrections to the minutes. No corrections were made.
- A motion was made by Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown to approve the minutes as shared and/or corrected; seconded by Yosyf Cizkewycz
- Total votes cast: yes: 5 ; no: 0; abstained: 0
- Motion passes – Minutes from the October 11, 2017 meeting are approved and will be shared with all UCAA General Members via email and UCAA website.
- Minutes from the Board meeting held on October 11, 2017 were shared electronically prior to today’s meeting. President Christian Dubas asked if there were any additional corrections to the minutes. No corrections were made.
- Officer/Committee Reports
- Report of the Treasurer/Fiscal Committee
- As of October 31, 2017:
- Kashtan account balance is: $12,003.32
- Zorya account balance is: $338.10
- UCAA account balance is: $261.46
- Total account balances: $12,613.30
- Total liabilities and equity: $30,756.10 *Budget can be viewed here* *Full, detailed fiscal report can be provided by the Treasurer upon request
- A little over $4,000.00 have been made so far from the capital campaign
- All taxes have been paid for the quarter
- Subcontractor contracts have not yet been signed. Some verbiage in each contract has been changed slightly, and will go back to both Yuriy Firmanchuk and Dana Komichak for final reading/approval/signature.
- As of October 31, 2017:
- Report of the Membership Committee
- No report
- Report of the Vice President/Costume Committee
- Shelly Hejnal reported that Footsteps will be coming to Kashtan rehearsal on Tuesday, 11/14/2017 to size all Tuesday girls for nude character shoes. The shoes are Capezio “caramel” color. Every . shoe size will be provided ranging from sizes 5-12.
- The shoes will cost $42.00 per pair. The UCAA will pay the total cost of all the shoes, and each girl will then reimburse the UCAA. Since Footsteps is giving our organization a 20% discount, the cost to each girl will be $34.00.
- Shelly Hejnal has already provided Footsteps with our tax exempt paperwork.
- Shelly Hejnal will coordinate with Treasurer Maria Hejnal for a check to be ready for Footsteps the night of 11/14/17. This will cover the . down payment required by the company.
- Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown has already sent an email to all Tuesday girls reminding of this fitting, and will send another reminder in the coming days.
- Kashtan Director Markian Komichak would like new costumes made for a dance he is working on. The need is costumes for 8 boys and 8 girls. Shelly Hejnal will be fitting a skirt, blouse and shirt respectively for one Tuesday Class girl, and one Tuesday Class boy on 11/14/2017 in order for a prototype to be ordered from Ukraine. Boys pants for this costume will be made by Shelly Hejnal.
- Additional sizing will be done on boys Hopak shirts, and other miscellaneous pieces which are needed for the boys.
- Costume mending is continually being done by Shelly Hejnal and Nina Kostryk.
- New sashes are in the works for the younger boys
- Report of the Secretary/Artistic Committee
- Artistic Administrator, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown shared the following Artistic Committee Report:
- Kashtan:
- Due to time constraints/logistics of the reception, the Bride of the 12/6/2017 wedding had to cancel Kashtan’s participation.
- Kashtan was asked to perform at a surprise party on 12/16/2017 – Director Markian Komichak is still looking into this – more information forthcoming.
- Tuition reminders were sent to 9 students via email. As of 11/7/2017, payments have been received from 2 of these students.
- Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown is working with Sportsworld in Medina, Ohio to obtain frames and plaques for the three headshots that need to go up on the “Wall of Directors” in the studio. Also still waiting on headshot from Olya Tchepak
- Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown is working with “Make Believe” in Parma, Ohio to coordinate a Christmas Party for Kasthan students. The party will be on Friday, December 15, 2017 from 6:00-9:00PM
- Zorya
- Zorya’s Jubilee Concert/Reception
- December 3, 2017 at Pokrova. Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown and Maria Hejnal met with Michael Miguelicz today (11/8/2017) to discuss details of this event (food, costs, contract, etc.)
- Yuliana Wozniak made limited edition Christmas tree ornaments for the 12/3 event.
- Zorya concert in Carnegie, PA on 10/28/2017 was a success. Zorya Director Natalia Basladynsky-Mahlay spoke to some people after the performance and is considering doing a Christmas Concert in PA next year as there is an audience hungry for such a production.
- Zorya is adding an additional rehearsal to the calendar in order to prepare for the 12/3 Christmas Concert/Reception
- Zorya is preparing for koliada already
- Zorya has been asked to perform at the PanOrthodox Christmas Concert on Sunday, 12/10/17 at 5PM in Parma. They will sing 3 songs as a goodwill performance.
- Zorya has been asked to perform at the 1/20/18 St. Vlad’s Malanka this year – details are being worked out between planning team and Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown. This will be a paid performance.
- Zorya has made the decision to not perform at Shevchenkivske Sviato this year.
- Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown reviewed with Natalia Basladynsky-Mahlay the reimbursement schedule for Zorya participants who travel from out of town for rehearsals and performances. Zorya understands the reimbursement schedule and details, and will collect $45 membership fee from all Zorya members in the next couple rehearsals.
- Zorya’s Jubilee Concert/Reception
- Kashtan:
- Artistic Administrator, Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown shared the following Artistic Committee Report:
- Report of Fundraising Committee
- Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown is working with Diana Prodan to coordinate a restaurant fundraiser – more details forthcoming.
- Maria Hejnal and Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown continue working on “Jackpot Jamboree” to take place during the Lenten season. Finalized details forthcoming.
- Maria Hejnal presented an idea about doing a Monsters Game fundraiser. The game will be on Friday, February 9, 2018 at 7:00PM. All participants would purchase tickets online or through Maria Hejnal, and the UCAA would receive $5.00 per ticket sold, and there are also more fundraising opportunities at the event such as 50/50 raffle and “chuck-a-puck”.
- President Christian Dubas is exploring a golf outing at Bunker Hill Golf Course in Medina, Ohio. Details forthcoming.
- Report of the President
- No report
- Report of the Treasurer/Fiscal Committee
- Old Business
- Capital Campaign has brought in $4,000.00 in the first month. Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown to issue thank-you’s and tax deduction forms to all who have donated.
- President Christian Dubas has reviewed the by-laws and the rules are very general regarding a group formally joining the UCAA. At this point, Christian Dubas will reach out to Ihor Makar and give him some additional information, and set up a date for him to come in to present to the Board reasons why he/his group are interested in membership.
- New Business
- No new business
- Adjournment
- Our next General Board meeting will be held on December 13, 2017 at 6:30PM at the Parma-Snow Library
- Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown motioned to adjourn the November 8, 2017 meeting; Yosyf Cizkewycz seconded. President Christian Dubas adjourned the meeting at 7:15PM
Respectfully submitted,
Christy Bohuslawsky-Brown
UCAA Secretary
UCAA Artistic Administrator